- Buildings
The Buildings menu displays the occupancy of whole buildings sorted by rooms.
First, you need to set the required building into the filter. Click on the name of the building to select it. In the right part of the table you can see all rooms that the building contains. The color coding of the rooms has the following meaning:
  • green - a public room - its use for central scheduling is assumed
  • brown - a private room - it is usually used for scheduling by a department (seminars, expert lectures, scientific presentations ...)
The name of the chosen building is highlighted in black bold-face print.
Depending on the chosen type of schedule, there can be further options to restrict the displayed data.
  • Day - Monday to Friday
  • Time - display the schedule for:
    • Classes - only for the time of classes (e.g. 7:20 - 20:35)
    • Whole day - the whole 24 hours (it is possible to display other events taking place past the usual time for classes)
  • Owner of the building - range of the buildings included in the list:
    • Own - belonging to the selected faculty
    • Foreign - all buildings, where teaching of the selected faculty takes place (including own buildings)
  • Date - you need to select one concrete day, for which you want to display the detailed schedule for
    • enter a date or use the icon [[img_stev:ico_date.png]] to select the date
    • use the orange buttons to change the date by -7, -1, +1, +7 days
    • press Display or one of the sliding buttons to redisplay the page
Selected values are printed in bold-face letters.
In the submenu, you can choose one of the possibilities of Views schedule or the table Transport times.