- Lecture rooms
Menu Lecture rooms is designed to display the schedule of rooms.
First you need to set the required room into the filter of the building. Click on the code of the room to select it. The type of the room is given by the color of the code:
  • green - a public room - its use for central scheduling is assumed
  • brown - a private room - it is usually used for scheduling by a department (seminars, expert lectures, scientific presentations ...)
  • black - the room of the currently displayed schedule
You can find some informations about the chosen room in the hint below the filter.
If you need a detailed schedule of the room, there are more options of the filter:
  • Time - display the schedule for:
    • Classes - only for the time of classes (e.g. 7:20 - 20:35)
    • Whole day - the whole 24 hours (it is possible to display other events taking place past the usual time for classes)
  • Choice of a concrete month of a year - click on the corresponding number of the month to display the schedule only for this month
  • Whole semester - the standard choice
The selected values are highlighted in bold face.

Now, you can choose one of the available types of the schedule from the submenu
  • Standard - all schedule items connected to the chosen room in one week of the semester
  • Block - only block teaching during the whole semester
  • Detailed - schedule for the whole semester/month, day by day

Only events scheduled to your chosen room are displayed.