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Výsledky projektu Finanční rozvoj a příjmová nerovnost


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(Celkem 7 zázn.)
Buliskeria, Nino; Jaromir, Baxa. Do Rural Banks Matter That Much? Burgess and Pande (2005) Reconsidered. Journal of Applied Econometrics , 2022, sv. na, s. na–na. ISSN 0883-7252. IF 2.424. [Článek v časopise]
The paper has been accepted for publication on February 10, 2022. However, it is not published yet.
Two optional drafts of the possible theoretical model. , I am attaching a very preliminary draft that cannot be considered a result of any sort but only for the partial transparency of the progress since I have mainly progressed on mastering the methodologies and estimation codes (I consider multiple specifications, have attached only two). [Jiný výsledek]
Buliskeria, Nino; Baxa, Jaromir; Šestořád, Tomáš , Uncertain Economic Policy Uncertainty [Jiný výsledek]
Buliskeria, Nino; Elminejad, Ali;, Together with Ali Elminejad, we have been working on a theoretical model of how financial frictions affect income and wealth inequality. Considering the complexity of the model, we suppose to finalize the model by mid-2021. In the attached draft of the paper "Financial frictions and Income inequality,” we have summarized the model’s main building blocks. We also intend to introduce heterogeneity in the agents' initial endowment of wealth and introduce channels from which financial growth (modeled we the credit to output ratio and decreasing interest on the debt) affects the economy. We believe that these changes will enrich our model and let us further evaluate the effect of financial growth on inequality in the presence of financial frictions. [Jiný výsledek]
Buliskeria, Nino; Baxa, Jaromir; , Together with Professor Jaromir Baxa, we have written a replication study of a paper by R. Burgess and R. Pande on the effects of rural banking, published in AER, 2005. we have discovered that their proof of the positive impact of rural banking on mitigating poverty relies on the assumption that no other similar policies were adopted simultaneously, which is at odds with the historical evidence. We have received R. Burgess and R. Pande’s comments and reviewed the work. Later, the paper was published in IES WP Series. Next, we have further modified the paper according to the Journal of Applied Econometrics’s submission requirements and submitted it to the JAE on September 16, 2020. Currently, it is under consideration. [Jiný výsledek]
Buliskeria, Nino; Baxa, Jaromir, Under the GAUK project, with the help of Professor Jaromir Baxa, I have written a replication study of a paper by R. Burgess and R. Pande on the effects of rural banking, published in AER, 2005. I have discovered that their proof of the positive impact of rural banking on mitigating poverty relies on the assumption that no other similar policies were adopted simultaneously, which is at odds with the historical evidence. Hence, I performed clear-cut tests pointing to the limitations of Burgess and Pande‘s paper. Our replication study has been accepted as an IES WP, and sent for feedback to R. Burgess and R. Pande, before submission for journal publication. The paper will appear as an IES WP after receiving feedback from R. Burgess and R. Pande. [Jiný výsledek]
Buliskeria, Nino; Elminejad, Ali, Together with Ali Elminejad, we are working on a theoretical model of how financial development affects inequality and the economic well-being of the less fortunate. We are looking at the role of frictions. The general hypothesis is that financial frictions (lack of access to the financial sector, borrowing constraints, geographical proximity to financial intermediaries, etc.), has a deterministic effect on the relationship between financial development and inequality. [Jiný výsledek]