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Výsledky projektu Postoj studentů žurnalistiky k novinářské etice: Porovnání České republiky s USA


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(Celkem 4 zázn.)
Zunova, Anna. Book Review: Jo Healey Trauma reporting: A journalist’s guide to covering sensitive stories. Journalism, 2019, sv. 20, s. 1725–1727. ISSN 1464-8849. IF 2.691. [Článek v časopise]
Zunova, Anna. Journalistic Ethics: How Do Universities in the Czech Republic Shape Student' Moral Perception. Journalism Education, 2020, sv. 8, s. 27–41. ISSN 2050-3930. [Článek v časopise]
Zunová, Anna, A presentation at The Twenty-First Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association. The video piece titled Challenges of Journalism in the Classroom: Ethical Choices of Czech and American Students was debating the current findings connected to this project and is available on the YouTube Channel of the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism: [Jiný výsledek]
Zunová, Anna, A presentation at the Media Education Summit 2018 at Hong Kong Baptist University. The contribution discussed pilot research discoveries in a presentation titled Teaching Journalistic Ethics: The Approach of Universities in the Czech Republic. A follow-up article is intended to be finished in 2019. [Jiný výsledek]